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Where We Began

About Us

In 1843, Rev. Konrad Fleischman founded the first North American Baptist Church in Philadelphia, PA. This German immigrant dreamed of reaching people, especially other immigrants with the Good News of Jesus Christ. He knew his one church could only do so much. So, in 1865, a small group of German-speaking churches formed the North American Baptist Conference. Because of their support for, and influence with, one another, they impacted not only their local communities but other parts of the world. This first generation of North American Baptists laid the foundation and values for others to come.

Because of that commitment to making disciples of Jesus Christ, the NAB Conference grew into a family of churches representating many cultures and heritages throughout Canada and the United States. While you can still hear German spoken in a few churches, you will also hear English, Cambodian, Spanish, Chinese, Urdu, French, Korean, Portuguese, Romanian, and Russian.

Today, the North American Baptist Conference consists of over 400 churches with more than 74,000 who worship with them in the United States and Canada. North American Baptists are a diverse group of believers with a common mission. Our churches come in all sizes, shapes and distinctive ministries but share the ultimate aim of living out the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:36-39) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28: 16-20) of Jesus Christ. North American Baptists have always been known for their passion for global missions and our worldwide outreach to Cameroon, Nigeria, Brazil, Japan, Central and Eastern Europe, Mexico and the Philippians.

Each of our local churches chose to be part of the North American Baptist Conference because they wanted to be part of a larger church family focused on developing fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. That voluntary decision to cooperate with others is a very important witness to our unity in Him.

Much of that cooperation can be seen locally through 13 NAB regions. Regions are an important ministry of our Conference, allowing many of our churches to network, maximize resources, and partner on important initiatives.

The Great Lakes Association, of which First Baptist Auburn is a part, is a region of churches affiliated with the North American Baptist Conference. It is made up of 28 churches in Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana with 6,054 members and 6,889 people (on average) who worship each week in those churches.

This church, First Baptist of Auburn, began in 1896 as Beaver Road Baptist Church located on Carter Road in Beaver Township. On April 14, 1957 the congregation moved into their new facility on Garfield Road in the town of Auburn. The building consisted of the sanctuary and the fellowship hall. In 1965 the education wing was completed and in 1982 the gym was added.

This building is a wonderful facility which has been used for the glory of God. Our prayer is that it would continue as a place of spreading the Gospel for many years to come.

What We Believe


1. The pre-eminence of Jesus Christ as our Savior, Lord and Master.
2. The inspired authority of the Bible as our only rule of faith and conduct.
3. The right of private interpretation and the competency of the individual soul in direct approach to God (Soul Liberty).
4. The absolute separation of church and state.
5. A regenerate church membership.
6. Believers baptism by immersion.
7. The complete independence of the local church.
8. The congregational form of church government: the solemn obligation of majority rule, guaranteeing equal rights to all, and special privileges to none.
9. The spiritual unity of all Christian believers, for which our Lord so earnestly prayed.
10. The proclamation of the gospel throughout the world.

Glossary: pre-eminence – being first in importance
competency – being able on its own
regenerate – spiritually re-born


Confession of Faith



We believe that all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is the supreme and final authority in matters of faith and life. It is trustworthy, sufficient, without error.



We believe in one God, holy, sovereign, eternal, existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.



We believe that man was created in the image of God, but through voluntary disobedience he now is the creature of sin, both by nature and action.



We believe that salvation of sinners is wholly of grace, received by faith in Jesus Christ who by His death made atonement for our sins.



We believe that a visible church of Christ is a congregation of baptized believers who observe the ordinances of Christ, who worship together, and who seek to fulfill the commands of their Lord.


Of Things To Come

We believe that the personal and bodily return of our Lord Jesus Christ is imminent, and that His ultimate Kingdom and Reign will be established. We believe in the bodily resurrection of the just and the unjust, the unjust to everlasting conscious punishment and the just to everlasting conscious enjoyment of eternal life.


Holy Spirit

We believe that a person is baptized with the Holy Spirit into the Body of Christ at the time of conversion (I Cor. 12:13; Romans 8:9-17), and that this baptism or presence of the Holy Spirit in the heart of the believer is not proven nor necessarily evidenced (or signed) by the Gift of Tongues. The Scriptures share that tongues is only one of the gifts given by the Lord for the specific purpose of being a sign to unbelievers (I Cor. 14:22-23).

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